The Weekend Edition - Sleep In. Slow Down. Enjoy.

Marx our words – James Street RESORT takes a philosophical approach for its fourth instalment Marx our words – James Street RESORT takes a philosophical approach for its fourth instalment

Marx our words – James Street RESORT takes a philosophical approach for its fourth instalment

Once purely the domain of broody men with beards and uni students struggling to pick an elective, the study of philosophy is really having a moment right now. After all, the world is in a bit of a state at the moment so some critical thinking definitely wouldn’t go astray. Applying philosophical principles to everyday things also gives us a chance to see things from a new perspective, which is exactly what beloved lifestyle bonanza James Street RESORT is doing this year. The event returns from October 27–29 to stimulate our senses with a mind-bending take on all things fashion, art, design, opinion and lifestyle.

As for the format, James Street RESORT is split into distinct sections for its respective three-day reign. Things kick off with RESORT Friday, an evening set to introduce us all to this year’s offering through previews and projects. Next up is the Saturday Social Club, which sees the precinct transform for a street party filled with special deals, flowing beverages and loads of live entertainment. RESORT goes out with a bang with its Sunday Symposium, introducing an Australian first with its Philosopher in Residence, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz. The modern day philosopher, author and former Google scientist will be appearing at Brisbane Powerhouse for a keynote presentation, delving deep into browser behaviour to unveil some confronting realities about modern life.

Art on James returns to RESORT with a huge roster running over the three days – get amongst IMA’s disco party, live art from Jake Reston and even a super-rare performance piece of Her Divine Holiness Pope Alice. In the vein of this year’s philosophical theme, you can expect these offerings to push the envelope and challenge perceptions. You best work up an appetite because James Street’s iconic restaurants are going all out, providing some serious food for thought. Gerard’s Bistro is hosting a ‘Food for Philosophy’ lunch exploring food, art, opinion and fashion, while Harveys is going French for ‘Prix Fixe’ and Bucci will be busting out the Aperol spritzes during Saturday Social Club.

If you’re ready to put the play in Plato, you can check out the full James Street RESORT program over at the official James Street website and buy tickets to Seth’s talk through Ticketek.

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