The Weekend Edition - Sleep In. Slow Down. Enjoy.

NORTH homewares celebrates indigenous artists NORTH homewares celebrates indigenous artists NORTH homewares celebrates indigenous artists

NORTH homewares celebrates indigenous artists

Homewares company NORTH doesn’t just sell products of exceptional quality and beauty, it also celebrates the skill of indigenous Australian artists and gives back to the community.

NORTH isn’t your regular purveyor of homewares. Instead of being purely driven by financial gain, NORTH’s aim is to share the work of talented indigenous Australian artists – too often unseen by the wider Australian and global community – and channel proceeds directly to  art centres of indigenous communities, creating a source of sustainable income with which the centres support their artists.

The artists’ textiles – often screen-printed on-site in the centres or hand-screen printed in textile studios – are used to craft homewares such as linen and silk cushions, which are hand-sewn in Melbourne, and 100% linen lampshades, each manufactured by hand in Sydney. The organic and manual nature of the creative process endows each piece with its own distinct and beautiful qualities, making your purchase one that is truly unique. While lead times may be a little longer than usual (two-weeks if in stock, eight weeks for pre-orders), there’s not doubt the wait will be worth it.

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