The Weekend Edition - Sleep In. Slow Down. Enjoy.

Feel the love in every piece with Homejob’s unique handmade goods Feel the love in every piece with Homejob’s unique handmade goods Feel the love in every piece with Homejob’s unique handmade goods Feel the love in every piece with Homejob’s unique handmade goods

Feel the love in every piece with Homejob’s unique handmade goods

There’s something to be said about naturally good vibes – you know, when you get together with a likeminded pal and things just flow. It’s these partnerships that often produce some of the most delightful art, when two people build upon their ideas to create products that truly stand apart from the usual stuff that’s doing the rounds. The latest dream team on the Brisbane scene is a duo made up of ceramicist Wendy Ma and visual artist Emika Kazama, otherwise known as Homejob. Cast any preconceptions of the word aside – this is one Homejob you will be proud to sport.

As previously mentioned, the birth of Homejob was something of a natural progression. The two ladies behind the label used to meet up and make clothes in their spare time, experimenting with sewing and craft techniques. Homejob as an entity was solidified in March this year, when Wendy and Emika’s boyfriends left for America to go on tour. The pair hung out and crafted together a whole lot while the dudes were gone, with the time spent together causing the birth of the brand. The initial concept was also driven by the pair’s desire to connect with other local creatives and not wanting to be locked into a certain medium, resulting in a range of eye-catching collabs.

The production processes for Homejob are as endearing as they are ethical – Wendy and Emika make every piece by hand in their homes. They cook each other dinner a few nights a week and get to work on creating the bespoke pieces from scratch, using recyclable materials whenever possible. A huge part of the Homejob ethos is being mindful of the social and environmental impact of its practices, hence the focus on keeping production small scale and entirely handmade. The latest collection to come from the Homejob HQ is Galaxy Pond, a series of jewellery and cushions inspired by the mysterious nature of space contrasted against the comfort of earthy elements. Clothing that comes from the brand is directly influenced by the girls’ Chinese and Japanese heritage, drawing on the timelessness of traditional Asian garments.

Keen to get some handmade heaven into your wardrobe? You can shop Homejob at the Institute of Modern Art, Artisan or online, as well as follow the label on Instagram to keep up to date with new drops. The label is also hosting a groovy pop-up at SWOP on Saturday July 15.

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