Vietgone follows the story of two refugees, Quang and Tong, who find themselves in a new and fairly strange country after escaping the Vietnam War. They are thrown together in an Arkansas arrival camp where they must learn how to navigate a bewildering land of rednecks, bikers, hippies and cowboys. Despite Tong wanting to make a fresh start and Quang longing to return home, the pair are unable to ignore the spark that begins to grow between them.
Based on a book written by Qui Nguyen, Vietgone is inspired by the lives of Qui’s parents and their immigration journey. Directed by award-winning writer and director Daniel Evans and renowned actor and playwright Ngọc Phan, this one-of-a-kind production is a genre-bending, pulp fiction-style take on a love story told through powerful storytelling with a side of humour and a little hip hop. “Vietgone is ultimately an adventure for the audience while taking them through the experiences so many families battle in their fight for freedom, and it’s a perspective I’m so proud to deliver. It really is an honour to share this complex, beautiful story,” says Ngọc.
Queensland Theatre’s 2023 season finale production is playing now at QPAC’s Playhouse Theatre, for more information and tickets head to the Queensland Theatre website.